GDPR is almost here. The legislation out of the European Union strengthens privacy for internet users in the EU, but affects websites all over the world.
Your site is going to have to be GDPR compliant. And if you’re reading this, you’re likely using Sports Bench. So is Sports Bench GDPR-compliant.
What is GDPR?
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations, and it’s a law that comes out of the European Union. It essentially ensures that websites layout exactly what they do with users’ data and that users have to opt into that. Users also need to have a way to export their data from a site and delete if they want to.
This not only applies to businesses based out of the EU but also websites that reach people in the EU (so basically every website). In general, this a really good thing and set a good template for other countries to follow, but it does lead to a bit of a pain for developers and site owners.
I’m still learning more about it and don’t necessarily feel qualified to dive into deeper specifics over the law. But I’ve compiled a list of articles that do a good job going over it.
- GDPR: What is it and how does it Impact my WordPress Website? (PixelPress)
- GDPR FAQs from (EU)
- Worried about WordPress and GDPR? Start Here (Pagely)
- The Lowdown on GDPR Compliance for WordPress Users (Kinsta)
Is Sports Bench GDPR ready?
To the best of my knowledge based off the research I’ve done on the GDPR, Sports Bench is ready for the new regulations. Data that gets entered, like player names, is added in the backend. And presumably, you’ve already gotten permission from the person or their guardian to add them to a roster. And you can easily delete the player and his/her data with a click of a button.
That being said, I do plan on adding an export function to the next release, though that’s more for a person’s use rather than the GDPR.
Is your site GDPR ready?
Now this one is much trickier. I can tell you that just because Sports Bench is GDPR-ready DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOUR SITE IS GDPR-READY! Sorry for the yelling, but I wanted to get that disclaimer out there. WordPress has added GDPR tools for you to use and other plugins, like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, any contact form and any Google Analytics/user tracking plugin puts you into a position to potentially be in violation of GDPR. And you’ll need to do other things to correct that.
Like I said before, I’m not an expert on GDPR. I’m still trying to figure all of it out like you are. So I would take a look at those links and determine the best way to make your site GDPR-compliant. But at least you won’t have to worry about Sports Bench.
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