Setting Up the Sports Bench Main Theme

Level: Beginner

The Sports Bench Main Theme is pretty easy to install and set up on your website.

Installing the Theme

After you’ve downloaded the latest version of Sports Bench, you can install it on your website.

  1. Go to “Themes” and “Add New” in the left-hand menu of your WordPress dashboard.
  2. At the top of the page, hit “Upload Theme”.
  3. Upload your version of the Sports Bench ZIP file.
  4. After the theme is uploaded, hit “Activate”.

Congratulations! Sports Bench is now ready to go on your website.

Setting Up the Theme

Now let’s go over how to set up the settings for Sports Bench.

  1. Navigate to the customizer by going to “Appearance” and “Customize”.
  2. Enter the Sports Bench Main Theme options.
  3. Set up the basic options.
    1. Color Theme: Select the color theme you want to use for your website.
    2. Page Layouts: Select if you want to have a sidebar and which side of the page it should be on.
    3. If you have the Sports Bench plugin and want to show the scoreboard bar on the website, select this option.
    4. Page Header Fallback Image: Add in a fallback image to display in the page header section if a page doesn’t have a featured image.
  4. Set up the homepage options.
    1. If you have the Sports Bench plugin and want to show the scoreboard bar on the website, pick if the bar should be above or below the slider, tiled section or hero image on the homepage.
    2. Select if you want a slider, tiled section or hero image on the homepage.
    3. If you’ve selected a tiled section or slider, select the category you want to show in that section.
    4. If you’ve selected a hero image, enter in the following:
      1. Pick an image for the background.
      2. Enter in a title for the hero section.
      3. If you want, add in a sub headline for the hero section.
      4. If you have a link for the hero section, add in the label and link.
    5. For each of the remaining sections on the homepage, select the following:
      1. Select a category for the section. If you leave this section blank, it will show the latest posts.
      2. Determine how many posts you want to show in this section. The default is five.
  5. Setup the social media options.
    1. You can links to your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Tumblr profiles.
    2. If you have a custom RSS feed for your website, you can add it here as well.
  6. Setup your menus.
    1. You can set up your menus through the “Menus” section in the main area of the customizer.
    2. Sports Bench has an area for a main menu at the top of the page and a footer menu at the bottom of the page.
  7. Add in a Custom Header.
    1. If you have a custom header, you can use the “Custom Header” section to add it to the website. The suggested size is 200 pixels wide by 40 pixels high or something that matches that ratio.

Congratulations! The Sports Bench Main Theme is set up and ready for you to start using.

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Getting Started with the Sports Bench Main Theme