Sports Bench theme and plugin on a laptop

Sports Bench 1.2.1 released today

Two weeks after the release of Sports Bench 1.2, Sports Bench 1.2.1 became available today for purchase and update.

Version 1.2.1 is an update for the Sports Bench plugin, correcting a couple of errors and adding more functionality for use with the WP REST API. Among the technical changes, the slashes for the quotes in the player’s height are removed when creating the player object. This means you won’t have to do any strip slashing in any custom code.


The bulk of the update for Sports Bench 1.2.1 focuses on fixes for integration with the REST API. You’re now able to sort results based on multiple columns depending on what you’re trying to get. For more information on how to do that, go to the “WP REST API Integration” section in the Codex.

But the best part of the API changes come when trying to get player stats for a team or individual player. In order to pull up the stats like the ones that are on team and player page templates, add group=true to the url for the game_stats route. To group the player’s stats by season, also add season=*desired season* to the url as well.

This change will allow you to create custom templates and entire sites using JavaScript frameworks using the REST API. It truly opens up the opportunities for you to do whatever you want with your site easily. So have fun creating.

Road mapping version 1.3

The update does nothing to derail the next major release of Sports Bench, version 1.3. Currently, the target date for that release is early September. That keeps with the three-month cycle I hope to stick to with Sports Bench.

While the feature list for 1.3 is far from set in stone, the update will most likely include more changes with the WP REST API, a front-end search feature and more shortcodes. More information about 1.3 will come out as the September deadline approaches. To suggest a feature for the update, please use the contact form below.

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