Used to create a Game object in the Sports Bench Plugin.
To create a new series object, you’ll need to use the Sports_Bench\Classes\Base\Game
namespace and then use new Game( $game_id )
- $game_id
- $game_week
- $game_season
- $game_day
- $game_home_id
- $game_home_final
- $game_away_id
- $game_away_final
- $game_attendance
- $game_status
- $game_current_time
- $game_current_period
- $game_current_home_score
- $game_current_away_score
- $preview_link
- $recap_link
- $game_neutral_site
- $game_location_stadium
- $game_location_line_one
- $game_location_line_two
- $game_location_city
- $game_location_state
- $game_location_country
- $game_location_zip_code
Class Methods
- get_game_id
- get_game_week
- get_game_season
- get_game_day
- get_game_home_id
- get_game_home_final
- get_game_away_id
- get_game_away_final
- get_game_attendance
- get_game_status
- get_game_current_time
- get_game_current_period
- get_game_current_home_score
- get_game_current_away_score
- get_game_preview
- get_game_recap
- get_game_neutral_site
- get_game_location_stadium
- get_game_location_line_one
- get_game_location_line_two
- get_game_location_city
- get_game_location_state
- get_game_location_country
- get_game_location_zip_code
- get_away_team
- get_home_team
- Game::update
- get_box_score_permalink
- get_full_address
- get_address
- game_box_score_game_info
- get_linescore
- get_linescore_display
- show_game_info
- get_score_info
- game_box_score_team_stats
- get_team_stats_info
- game_box_score_away_team_stats
- get_away_individual_stats
- game_box_score_home_team_stats
- get_home_individual_stats
- get_game_stat
- get_shootout
- int $game_id — The ID of the game to create the object for.
Since: 2.0
- /includes/classes/base/class-game.php — 37